Friday, May 11, 2007

School Project

AS part of my school work I have to ask people these questions:

1. What do you think is healthy food?

2. What foods do you eat to stay healthy?

Please help me out by answering these questions.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


20/M/Melb said...

Hey Zoe,
I think healthy foods are fruit and vegetables. They are natures own creations, so they must be good.

To stay healthy I eat meat pies! Jokes! I eat lots of dairy for calcium, which makes your bones stronger.

Hope this helps!
Love from your brother,

Elizabeth Em said...

Hi Zoe! I think fruit, vegies, nuts, pulses and whole grains are healthy foods. To stay healthy I eat lots of different coloured vegies and try not to eat junk food.

Debs said...

Hi Zoe, I think healthy foods are the ones that help our bodies keep strong and help to fight disease. Lots of different fresh fruit and vegetables; and whole grains are really important. Making sure not to have too much sugary, salty or fatty food. Your body will tell you that it wants more BUT it is not good for you. Protein foods are very important too. They keep your muscles and bones strong and also help your tummy to feel full.

All the best with your project.

BethJ said...

1. I think natural foods are healthy foods. Things like fruit, vegetables, meat and rice.

2. To stay healthy I try to do like the ad says - 'Go for 2 & 5' that is, 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables each day. I struggle with the vegie side of things so I eat stuff like carrot and celery sticks. Plus I try to have a glass of milk every day. Right now it is important for me to eat healthy as I am pregnant, so I have 2 people to think about instead of just one!

Hope this helps! :)

Jess said...

Hi Zoe

I think healthy foods are natural ones (fruit, vegies, grains etc) and foods that are low in sugar and fat.

To stay healthy I eat lots of different vegies, but I need to eat more fruit. I try not to eat too much take-away or junk food. I also drink low-fat milk and plenty of water.

Hope that helps!


Hannah said...

hi zoe,
I think the healthiest foods are foods that are not processed - so natural foods such as fruit and vegetables and nuts.

When i eat healthy i eat plenty of fruits and vegetables nuts and some times tried fruits. I also like yoghurt and think its a healthy alternative to other snacks.

Pips said...

I think healthy foods are fruit veges cereal and dairy

I try to eat all of these things every day especially dairy as I am an older lady and need calcium so I don't get broken bones.

Hope this helps Pips

lisc said...

hi zoe I agree with most people so far lots of fresh fruit and veges but you need the right quantities of other food groups too I think the food pyramid is how they used to talk about it which is a rough guide to how much of each food group you should eat such as meat dairy, fruits etc

healthy eating to me is lots of fruit and vege, some dairy like yogurt chees and milk a small amount of meat and try to keep everfything low in fat.

I hope this helps with your study

Helen said...

Hi Zoe,I agree with the other guys too. Lots of natural unprocessed foods, nothing drenched in fried oils, even though they are yummy, you can only have a little bit of these because it clogs up your beautiful arteries ( blood vessels)
What Lisa said about the food pyrimid explains it all.
I eat alot of salad and vegies, lots of grains and chickpeas/ pulses, a fair bit of fish and a little bit of chocolate ;) I don't eat meat, so have to get my iron for energy from things like dark green leafy vegies and nuts, and lots of them.
Goodluck with your project.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Zoe,
To me healthy foods include fruit, veggies, proteins (fish, eggs, meat etc), carbs, dairy, etc. Preferably foods should be as unprocessed as possible.

My healthy eating is everything in moderation. I love my fruit and veggies but unfortunately I also love my chokkie. LOL The other thing that is really important is having enough water, especially in the tropics where I live.


Coby said...

Hi Zoe, Lisa spoke about the food pyramid. This shows the various types of foods that our bodies need. It also shows how much of each of these food groups we should eat. For example, we need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables and only small amounts of fat.

To stay healthy, I eat fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, cereal, pasta, rice, nuts and dairy products.

I also love chocolate, which is not good for our bodies because it is high in fat. But, a little every now and again is fine.

Hope that helps.

Love Coby

Margie said...

Hi Zoe,
What a great blog you have!
I think healthy foods are ones that help our bodies to grow & function properly, such as fresh, unprocessed foods which aren't full of preservatives and artificial additives. We need a variety of foods for our bodies to be able to do this work, including good quantities of foods from the food pyramid.
To keep healthy I eat fresh fruit & vegetables, almonds, muesli & yoghurt, wholegrain bread,lean meat without fat,fish, eggs, low fat milk & many more!
Good luck with your project!